"The angry Black Woman"; who is She? Do you ever look in the mirror as a beautiful Black Woman and wonder "Am I an angry Black Woman"? Is she a stereotype or is she "Real"? Do you look at every Black female in your family, circle or on the streets and wonder is she angry? Well I do ask myself that question, and have a whole analysis in my head with myself.."This Black Queen look cheerful, Life might not have been fair but she is striding in confidence and she has her head held up high, with all she might have been through she isn't bitter, she is still standing, so NO! SHE ISN'T ANGRY!!
The stereotype of the Black Woman being angry I think it's of the biggest scams on this earth. The Black Woman since colonial times have been left to fend for herself and her children, and their black men since colonial have been 'programmed' to not have empathy or any soft spot for the Black woman and as such have been told anything outside the black woman is good for the black man. That lie that was embedded in the mind and heart of the black man, is still active and alive and is still being practised in today's society. Yes Black Love is still alive; but the Black woman is still labeled as crazy, insecure,ill-tempered, sassy, angry,emotional, and demanding. The Black woman has and will always be a 'powerhouse' and 'refuge' for the Black man and beyond.
Black Men need to do better when it comes to Black Women, you don't have to marry one to show you love them, but you don't have to disrespect them or fuel the stereotype of them being angry! I personally wonder how those black men who boldly come out and disrespect black women feel when they go home and look in their black mothers' faces and tell them they love them. I wonder if there is a deep emotional pain that has been inflicted on them by a family member is been transferred unto every black woman they see. Well, if that is the case, that is wrong on every level; you cannot put your myopic view of a situation on a broad issue and blam an entire race on it. You barely hear other races bad-mouthing their women except Black men! Our Kings need to do BETTER.
The Black woman has been under attack from when slavery started and still is, but I will tell my fellow Queens and sisters not to give up on the fight to eradicate the Angry Black Woman stereotype, because our day of victory is coming very soon. We are the most intelligent, smart, educated and beautiful race out there, ( you don't wanna argue with me on that). We set the pace for other races to follow, other natural given bodies are a Blessing, our lips are a Blessing and oh our skin, is iconic. My Beloved Black sista, you are not Angry; yes society has failed you, you have been betrayed and unprotected but you have to understand that your beauty and intelligence can never be contested and yes society will bend to please you very soon! You are not an angry black woman; you are A STRONG BLACK WOMAN. And there is nothing wrong with been strong and standing; loving and protecting yourself even though this is foreign. You are LOVED! And you are an ICON!
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