7 August 2018

Free Porn! Every 90's teenage boy's lottery winnings. Gone are the days of hurried but discreet magazine stash-aways from sudden mom arrivals, questionably long showers shut up with Playboys and the occasional stroke of luck mining into a late night porn marathon while the unsuspecting adult units are snoring away. Now Google's the pimp to finger-stroke and kids are having a field day biting into the not-so-forbidden-anymore fruit.

I stumbled upon a family friend's 11 year old  daughter, a few years back, purely by accident, educating her "lesser sex literate" friend about the biology ahem the philosophy of sex, a very descriptive, 11 year old accurate nonetheless hilarious account which would have had me in rivulets of convulsing laughter if it had hadn't raised my generous alarm and concern. The friend spent the next fifteen minutes grilling the girl on the mechanics of the mechanism in blunt, uncensored and bracing locution. Replicate the incident in 2018, the girls wouldn't entertain time digging deep into the best of their curious imaginations, they would whip out their smartphones, consult uncle Google who in turn would become their best buddy offering them step-by-step tutorials, helpful DIY tips, videographics, mentors and partners in crime. Alas, how the little 11 year old minds would sow the first seeds of corruption.

Lucky for us bigger folks, we've got a few tips to smother what could otherwise have been a viral, out of control, spindle of woven clutter.

Here, we go;

01) Have " the talk."

The branched out talk from the hated sex talk to the porn talk. Step out of the hypocritical approach to the subject, pretending porn is nonexistent and whooping the kid's ass catching him in action and step into the equalising approach, appreciating the kid's capability of reason, understanding and maturity,  acknowledging porn's prevailing and broaching the adversities of the consumption with intensity and all the more reason to not befriend it, could greatly even out needs of satisfying young interest.

02) Employ filters.

Disable access to adult sites on public and work WiFis and activate parental controls on the home Wi-fi system. Most routers come in with customizable firewalls which can be used to add-in filters on keywords, addresses and phrases. If the said firewalls are unavailable, there are a range of filtering software that can be installed across all your home devices that could filter mature content. Turn Safe Mode On, on all search engines and any other platforms the little ones hang out online at and click on the Family Safety Tools on the operating systems. Make a note to cover ALL devices in the house.

03) Swap private use of tech for public.

Bedroom laptops and TVs are so comfy but they are the acute commissaries to hoodwink parental eyes and should remain an earned privilege under controlled trust conditions in the due course.
Station internet browsing activities and accessible devices in the vicinity of the  grownups making it that much harder for them to give into temptation.

04) Check their browser history regularly.

Kids are à la mode creative and is more often than not, one step ahead of the "old people," coming up with original slang and twisted keywords to get around filters. A regular watch out issued over their browsing history picking up uncanny phrases and atypical words could perform a damper on their disguised attempts.

05) Mask traces of your phonographic consumption indigenously (well, if you are using.)

Example, example! You cannot straighten out young legs when yours are bowed 'cause they are bound to question your actions incase of an accidental findout, a situation which you'd much rather not confront. Your midnight activities should be kept tight under wraps, locked away in a Pandora's box until next time.

06) Review his private phone gallery.

Obscene content snake their way into innocence through closed social media circles and sharing amongst friends, a lot more than you would care to imagine. Eyeballing his gallery regularly can help you regulate his peer material and hence draw a stop to certain unnecessities.

07) Talk to other adults about doing the same.

Well, all your little plots and ploys could wash down the drain when the kiddies meet their friends from "free backgrounds," and take to "group-education" because their grownups are "just too caveman style." To avoid all the behind your back name calling and overriding your hard enforced discipline, get talking to the community at gatherings about the dangers lurking and your existing defence mechanism and the reasonable enough folks are sure to follow suit.

Alienating the 'mini-me's from porn isn't just at parental discretion, it's at the influence-point of all of us at large; outfitting a fatwa across it on our younger siblings, neices, nephews, kids of friends and coworkers, and just about any other kiddie you come across. It's an unofficial social authority to close away the minors and their senses off phonography; something we ought to take up on with vigor and zest.

A simple protective charm casted over your neighborhood is another child's mind encrypted.

Take up the challenge.

Leave your tips and thoughts down in the comments 👇👇👇

With all my love 💖,


  1. This is a very important topic to discuss. 'Kids need a childhood'. I am glad it's made it's way here. Absolutely helpful content. Keep it up!

  2. I've always been confused As to what the right way should be when it comes to This issue. I wouldn't want a kid Being confronted with sexual content by society. While most adults try to completely obscur that content from kids, I believe 'the talk' is essetial at a young age in today's day and pressure to ensure a child can float gradually into a teenager and then an adult, rather than them having a discussion in the playground during lunch rather than playing.
    I agree with the following points. While age is Nothing but a number; There just Are some things not everyone will comprehend the same. This article has covered essentially everything I've always wondered about. Keep the good work up!

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with you, I'm glad I was helpful to you. Thank you for the love 💖💖💖

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is a privilege to be able to correct one of the big issues in our society, I appreciate your efforts to educate the world. I also think parents should be a very close, friends to their kids, it's are duty to ward our kids at all cost if not fur friends would destroy your kids for good. Nice one Madam keep up the good work ��

  6. With all these new technologies, i don't Know if these tips will be sufficients. Let hope for the best.

  7. Quite insightful i have to say.
    But you cant really control a kid, the moment he is out of your sight, you can do nothing but trust the education he received from you. The morals and etiquette you inculcated in him.
    Cause even if there is no way for him to do it at home , nothing stops him from expressing is curious urge out side. Which is not so hard nowadays with the available technology.
    Like us adults today, there somethings we have the opportunity to do but we just don’t. Cause we have some values that we protect and we have been brought up that way.

    Thanks for this
    Time well spent

  8. Wow this is an amazing topics thanks for the points shared, this article covers all the major aspect of childhood edification thanks for this


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