"CORP-FRO" Samuella Amoako-Boateng

22 July 2018

Did my heading catch your attention? Well that was the purpose; I wanted to stair your curiosity; You might be wondering; "What in the world is corp-fro and is that even a word? Well yes and no; because it is a word i just came out with.  Cop-Fro is the shortened version of 'Corporate Afro' . I am going to take a dive into the acceptance of Black/African women rocking their natural hair in the corporate world.
      The United States Navy recently passed a policy  allowing Black/African women to wear their natural hair  i.e braids and  dread locs whiles serving as military personnel with the United States Navy.  This new policy really struck a cord with me and  got me thinking so from the time that Black Women were allowed to enroll and serve their country they weren't allowed to express themselves as much as they wanted. A hairstyle is a form of identity or feeling; we as women express ourselves through our hairstyles and to think the sistas who served in the United States Navy all this while weren't allowed to express their selves and  also were basically coerced  into hairstyles which they didn't identify with just to serve their beloved country
This is their basic human rights being infringed upon, makes me wonder; WHAT IS WRONG WITH WEARING YOUR NATURAL HAIR?  Most co- operations frown on black women wearing their own hair to work and deem it as unkempt, nappy, ugly, too short and other adjectives I don't like to use as a Black Woman with Natural hair.
  Do Black Women always have to bend towards the European standards of beauty to be deemed as beautiful? That is just barbaric, the thought of that makes my stomach turn, that is wrong and I am happy the United States Navy finally thought it through and passed this new policy allowing braids and locs to be worn as hairstyles whiles serving this beloved country. This new policy is a BIG WIN for all Naturalistas, it simply means the Natural Hair Movement is being taken serious and are voices are reaching into places we probably didn't think could reach, we are breaking barriers and we shouldn't stop there, we are BREAKING BARRIERS.... Until next time Stay "Braided and 'Loced' Up!

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