When I first became natural I honestly thought I had it all figured out...I would wear braids for the rest of my life! As time progressed a little further, I began to ask myself, what's the point of being natural if I don't explore the versatility of my natural hair? And so commence my journey...
During this new journey I discovered much about my hair. Such as it's tendency to have an attitude :-/ (frizz) or its multiple personalities (various range of hair types) and the fact that it is constantly starved for attention (or just dry in other words). As naturals we all encounter an issue or two at some point during our journey but the latter that I mentioned is what I'd like to focus on today.
If categorizing hair is your life, then you will find my hair to be in the type 4abc group. Yes, including all letters A through C. Generally, it is of low porosity and in need of deep conditioning and high moisturizing consistently. I have tried a few products thus far, however, my all time favorite is my own personal deep conditioning moisturizer I make with simple ingredients that hail from the not too far away land of Kitchen Cabinets (did you guys catch that :-)). Now that we know I'm not a professional comedian, lets take a look at those ingredients:
- This stuff gives me life!
1 Avocado
2 Tablespoons of honey
2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
*If I feel my curls are in need of some protein care then, I will add 1 egg yoke to the mixture.*
First, mash the avocado. I like my conditioner to have a smooth and creamy consistency so I rub the avocado against a fine mesh strainer. Or you can place all the ingredients in a blender, it's perfectly up to you. Once done, I scoop the remains into a bowl.
Next, I begin stirring while adding first the honey and then the Olive oil. I stir until the mixture is smooth to my liking.
Before applying the conditioner I divide my hair into four major sections. Then I saturate my hair starting from the roots and down to the ends. Both palms should be flat; facing each other with a small section of hair in between. I especially like to concentrate on my ends as it is the most problematic area of my hair. Many naturals wonder why they aren't seeing growth or retaining length but we must remember that our ends are the oldest part of our hair and therefore the most fragile. It needs lots of care and attention....that's just a little nugget for you :-).
Once the application process is complete, I place a plastic cap on my head and chill real hard for about an hour. I can admit it; I'm lazy :-|. I don't get under the dryer but, once in a while I may wrap a t-shirt around my head on top of the plastic cap for added assurance. The results are wonderful!
- Curls poppin' and shine is brillant!
These simple ingredients provide my hair with everything it needs. My hair comes to life and all the ingredients are organic. Not to mention, it's cheap! Now who doesn't love a good bargain??
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